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Campaign FAQs

Neringa100 is a capital campaign designed to successfully transition the camp property from the founders, the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception,
to Camp Neringa Inc.



What was the goal of the Neringa100 Capital Campaign?
The goal of the Neringa100 Capital Campaign was to raise $1,000,000 in order to purchase the camp property from the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception.

Why do the Sisters need to sell the property now?
In planning for the future of their community, with decreasing numbers, the Sisters realize that they can no longer keep the property. However, they want the mission of Neringa to continue, and they would like the property to stay within the Lithuanian American community.

Why can’t the Sisters simply give the property to Camp Neringa, Inc. (CNI)?
The Sisters are obligated by Canon Law (which prescribes the lifestyle of consecrated life and directs its practices) to not alienate things of value without regard for their worth. Moreover, the property is an asset of the whole congregation, so they must be prudent not to jeopardize what is a legitimate resource of the community.

What will the Sisters do with the money from the sale?
The Sisters will continue to do what they have done for the past 100 years: they will see where the need is greatest to do good!

Currently, there are six Sisters in the United States whose ministries include maintaining a spiritual renewal center and nursing home in Putnam, CT, and performing pastoral work in the largest Lithuanian parish outside of Lithuania -- in Lemont, IL.

In Lithuania, there are 45 Sisters whose apostolate includes a social service center, two nursing homes, a residence for low-income college students, and a ministry to orphans and children at risk. The Sisters in Lithuania also have programs for the homeless and assist parishes with pastoral ministry.

What is the value of the property?
2018 Real Estate Appraisal Estimated Market Value: $1,450,000
2018 Town of Marlboro, VT Tax Assessment Value: $1,140,300

What comprises the Camp Neringa property?
The Neringa property is 91.69 acres of wooded and cleared land and includes 31 buildings, three of which are winterized.

What is the selling price?
The Sisters, reflecting on their obligations, the desire to keep Neringa in the Lithuanian American community, and the resolve of CNI to purchase the property, have set the sales price at $1,000,000 which is below the fair market and tax appraised value of the property.


What if the capital campaign receives donations in excess of the $1,000,000 goal? 

Donations to the Neringa100 campaign that exceed the goal will be used for costs related to the purchase, and to seed a fund designated for the long-term operational and capital improvement needs of the property.

If my donation is in the pool of funds received after the $1,000,000 goal is met will my name still appear in the Neringa100 donor list and on the "Aukuras" memorial? 
Yes! You will be listed as a Neringa100 donor because you will have contributed to the campaign to ensure a strong future for Neringa. Together we will have made it possible for Neringa to celebrate her 100th birthday. 

When will the closing be?
We are working towards closing before the end of 2020. 

Who will own the Camp Neringa property?
The owner of the property will be Camp Neringa, Inc. (CNI.)

How will the assets be distributed in the case that CNI is dissolved?
CNI Bylaws state that in the event of dissolution CNI assets will be distributed to a Lithuanian American organization/s whose values are similar to those of CNI. 

Who governs the capital campaign funds as they are collected?

The funds are governed by CNI. The Director of Mission and Capital Campaign is responsible for day to day management with the oversight/guidance by the Executive Leadership Team. The Executive Team is composed of the CNI Board of Directors President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. Funds are deposited in a designated capital campaign account at TD Bank. The Investment Policy Statement (IPS) guides how the money is invested until the time of the transaction.

Who serves on the Capital Campaign Steering Committee?
The Capital Campaign Steering Committee consists of the president of the Board of the Directors, L. Linas Orentas, and the Treasurer, Vytas Bazikas.


What if an immediate need arises for which funds are needed – will these funds be available to use?
No. The capital campaign funds are designated solely for the purchase of the property.

Who currently donates to Neringa?
Hundreds of generous individuals, including camp alumni and members of the Lithuanian community at large, make financial donations to Neringa each year and many organizations provide grants. In an effort to keep camper fees affordable for most families, Neringa relies on the support of donations and grants to cover annual operating costs.

Which organizations support Neringa?
• ICC Matulaitis Fund
• ICC Sagys Fund
• Kazickas Family Foundation
• Knights of Lithuania
• Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid
• Lithuanian Foundation
• Lithuanian National Foundation
• Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania
• Rochester Lithuanian Fund
• Taupa Lithuanian Federal Credit Union

What do the Sisters think about the transition?
Sister IgnÄ—, speaking on behalf of the North American Sisters’ Council, says: “We are hopeful, overjoyed and enthusiastic to be working together with the Neringa community. We are especially glad to see that this next historic step is being taken with such dedication and loving care.”



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