Why I Gave
Support for the Neringa100 capital campaign was diverse
and the motivation to participate was clear.
Read why donors decided to give!
Why Give
"Nuo pat įsikūrimo, “Neringos” stovykla supažindina jaunimą su Lietuvos istorija, jos kultūra, bei tradicijomis. Bostono Tautinė Sąjunga, būdama tautinės minties sąjunga, įvertina “Neringos” darbą ir savo auka prisideda prie jos išlaikymo. Tegyvuoja ir klesti “Neringos” stovykla dar ilgus metus."
Amerikos Lietuvių Tautinė Sąjunga, Bostono skyrius
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Why Give
"Mes dekojame uz turtingai praleistas dienas stovykloje!"
Danute, Rimas and Aidas Gedeika
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Why Give
"I give Neringa a lot of credit for helping our daughters become the loving, fun, and outgoing ladies they are."
Regina Walsh
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Why Give
"Aukojome Neringos stovyklai, nes po pirmo stovyklavimo pajautėme šilta dvasia, kuri apsupo mūsu šeima. Dėkojame seselėm kad išlaikė stovykla savo pastangomis ir darbštumo, jau tiek daug metu!"
Kudirkų Šeima
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Why Give
"NERINGOS stovykla visiems, mažiems ir dideliems, buvo, yra ir amžinai liks bendra ir draugiška lietuviška šeima, trykštančiu šaltiniu, kuris atgaivina kiekvieno sielą ir mintis, sujungia širdis harmonijai ir tikėjimui gyvenimo gėriu."
Irena & Alfredas Sebedai
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Why Give
"Neringa has been part of my life for over 50 years. I would love to see it continue for another 50."
Sonny Brookes
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Why Give
"We gave because we know Neringa has strong roots and will emerge stronger from this passing storm!"
Vytas and Monika Sirusas
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Why Give
"Neringa is a part of the fabric of our family."
The Piveronas Family
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Why Give
"There was this group of people that when you came together in this sacred place who knew what it means to be a Neringa camper. You only had to look at them and you would see it in their eyes, in their smile...that they also had Neringa...in their “heart”. It was a feeling like no other to belong to this group who had this feeling. When we are together reflecting, laughing, sharing it touches me deep into my soul. Who wouldn’t want that for their children? ...and their children’s children. My children look at me as if I don’t know. But I see it in the smiles they give to fellow campers, in their eyes and I just know...it touched them the way it touched me. ❤️This is why I give to Neringa. "
Paula Garvey
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Why Give
"Gerbiu seseles, kurios įkūrė šią stovyklavietę ir anksčiau dirbo kitose..."
Ramunė Kubilius
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Why Give
"I wanted to donate because my life has been richer with having experienced the love of community, culture and heritage as I did going to Neringa every summer. The friends I made there and the unique things I learned (songs, culture, dances, history, language....) have shaped me and given me connection to my ancestors that may have been lost without it, as a first-generation American. Neringa is a very special place and needs to thrive!"
Monika Heidemann
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Why Give
"Prieš daug metų mano tuomet dar visai mažametė dukra Simona, po šeimų stovyklos vėl grįžusi į "Neringą" ir prisiminusi namelius, valgyklą, gamtą ir gerai praleistą laiką, sakė: "Čia yra MŪSŲ stovykla! MŪSŲ!" Aš norėčiau, kad ši stovykla visada gyvuotų ir priimtų kiekvieną stovyklautoją, kuris grįžta į "Neringą" kaip į savo namus, ir kad ji visada būtų MŪSŲ!"
Orinta Kalibatas
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Why Give
"We donated because having camp be canceled this year was heartbreaking, and we wanted to do what we could to help to make sure that in the future we can all keep making memories summer after summer. "
Alina and Aleksa Secrest
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Why Give
"I have great memories of Neringa as a kid and I’m so happy to support the campaign! My husband and I look forward to the day when we can send our son to heritage camp too!"
Juliana Puškorius Simms
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Why Give
"Neringa has given me so much - a chance to learn about my heritage, grow as a person, and connect with nature. I support the campaign so that future generations can learn about the Lithuanian culture and experience this truly special place. "
Sanya Mohsini
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Why Give
"Mes gavom ir tikiuosi dar gausim iš Neringos daug daugiau neįkainojamų dalykų, todėl ir aukojam. Negaliu patikėti, kai man vaikai vis primena, kad vienintelis dalykas, ko jie laukia vasarą yra Neringos stovyklos."
Egidijus Kairys
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Why Give
"Mes mylime Neringos stovyklą ir linkime, kad ji gyvuotų dar bent 100 metų!"
K. Donelaičio Lituanistinė mokykla (DC)
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Why Give
"We donated because we believe in the legacy of Neringa. The thought of our children's children and their children being able to attend summer camp at Neringa gives us hope for the future."
Ray and Ana Marie Meižys
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